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The aim of hatha yoga as one of the stages on the way to the apogees of raja-yoga is conquering the universal vital energy, Prana. Prana exists everywhere, manifesting itself in different forms and nature. Filling and penetrating all the living and nonliving matter, it unites body, mind and spirit. Prana can be obtained from atmosphere and from food.

Commonly, yoga practitioners, as well as most people, start paying serious attention to their spine only after a visit to a radiotherapist. Mesmerized by the X-ray pictures of their necks, they quizzically palpate them and learn a lot of new and frightening expressions, like protrusion, spondylosis, osteochondrosis… Moreover, they start intimidating their mums, dads and pals with these words. Here are some simple measures that won’t let such cases to dilute your yogic serenity.