Shri Shailendra Sharma, based in Govardhan, India, is a Kriya Yoga guru in the direct parampara coming from Babaji and Lahiri Mahasaya, his son and his grandson, Shri Satyacharan Lahiri. This authorized (i.e. certified by the guru) biography of a yogi and a man of unusual destiny has been compiled in Russian and English by Katya Mossin, a student of Shri Shailendra Sharma since 2008. How do people become yogis and gurus in India? The story begins in childhood...
Dr. Robert E. Svoboda is an American author and ayurvedic doctor who gives lectures and courses around the world, related to the subjects of ayurveda, jyotish, tantra and Eastern religion. He is author of eleven books, including Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution (1989), and the Aghora trilogy (1986, 1993, 1997) about his mentor, Vimalananda, and the Aghori sect.
Swami Asokananda, a monk of Saraswati order since 1973, is one of Integral Yoga’s foremost teachers, known for his warmth, intelligence and good humor. His teaching comes out of his own practice and experience, having absorbed the wisdom of his Guru, Sri Swami Satchidananda, since the age of nineteen.
We bring to your attention some fragments from conversations with an interesting teacher – Rampuri Baba. American by origin, for the first time he went to India for spiritual searches in 1968. In 1970 he met his Guru - Hari Puri Baba, and received initiation into Juna Akhara spiritual order, one of the well-known communities of vagrant sadhus - ascetics or babas ("father", stress on the last syllable) as they are called in India.

Initiation in Veera Shaiva Sampradaya with Jagatguru Shri Chandrashekhara Mahaswamiji (head of Jangamvadi Math, Varanasi) in Gokarna, Karnataka, 24-25 march 2019