The film "India Trip" tells about the culture and life in India. In the film took part Rampuri Baba, an American-born sadhu in the ancient tradition of naga babas, author of the book "The Biography of a blue-eyed yogi", and yoga teacher from Varanasi Rakesh Pandey. Genre of film can be defined as a film-meditation, contemplation, this is a fully independent personal project, the shooting which occurred within three years and culminated in the Kumbh Mela in 2010
Featuring: Baba Rampuri, Rakesh Pandey, Surya Baba, Aghora Baba from Varanasi, Fire-Show (Dance of Death) by Julia Pavlova
author and director: Kartazon Dream (Moscow, Russia, 2014)
music: TaFF, Gayatri, Prabhu Jap Singh
camera: Kartazon, Anastasiya Kononenko
editing and graphics: Kartazon
voice: Alexey Veroshin
translation: Andrew Barykin
soundman: Maxim Zolotukhin
editor: Catherine Roganova
producer of the film: Vlad Ketkovich
used the archives of the film: "Woodstock. Three Days of Peace and Music" (1970)
& the fragments of the Katha Upanishad translated by AJ Syrkin
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