Perhaps the only one Indian documentary preserved to this day about Dhirendra Brahmachari and his "Sukshma Vyayama" system of dynamic exercises, published by his Swiss disciple Reinhard Gammenthaller.
We can see in the film Swami Dhirendra himself and his Indian students.
While in the 70s Swami Dhirendra performed yoga lessons on Indian TV - seems these records are lost. Maybe they were just on the air, or are erased.
School of D.Brahmachari was pretty well known among "underground yogis" of Soviet Union (oficially it was forbidden to teach yoga in public), as he came on a visit to the USSR Cosmonaut Training Center, where he tought yogic practice to scientists and brought his books (there are only two: "Yoga Sukshma vyayama" 1956 and "Yogasana Vijnana "1966)
Indian documentary about Dhirendra Brahmachari and his Sukshma Vyayama
Dhirendra Brahmachari (1925-1994) was a brahmin born in the north Indian state of Bihar. The family lived in poverty, so Dhirendra Brahmachari left home in search of yoga. After several months of wandering, Brahmachari came to the central region of India - Uttar Pradesh, where he met his Guru, Swami Kartikeyaji. He received from him initiation into the tradition of hatha yoga, and began to live and learn in his ashram. In the ashram Dhirendra Brahmachari studied kriyas, asanas, pranayama and mudras. He studied the scriptures - "Hatha yoga-pradipika", "Gheranda-samhita", "Goraksh-paddhati" and "Bhakti-sagar-charandas". After studying hatha yoga and leaving the ashram, Dhirendra Brahmachari began teaching in Eastern India. At this time he meets with Jawaharlal Nehru. Acquaintance with many famous figures of India makes him a famous yoga teacher. After some time, Brahmachari establishes Vishvaytan Yoga Ashram in Delhi, Katra and Aparna Ashrams in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and becomes the director of the Delhi-based CRIY (State Central Research Institute of Yoga), which now bears the name of Morarji Desai (MDNIY). Dhirendra Brahmachari played an important role in organizing the coming to power of Indira Gandhi. Swami Dhirendra Brahmachari died in 1994 in an airplane crash of his own aircraft over the ashram in Mantalai, in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Dhirendra Brahmachari was a disciple of the yogi Sri Maharishi Kartikeya (who resided in Badrinath and Ayodhya and was associated with the cult of Rama worship, the legend says that he lived 300 years and left the body consciously in mahasamadhi in Ayodhya), who transmitted the ancient components of hatha yoga, little-known by most yoga schools today in the world. According to R.Gammenthaller, D.Brahmachari was a shakta (a follower of Shaktism - a tradition of worshiping female Deities). The line of the Dhirendra Brahmachari style of hatha yoga is nowadays presented to the general public by yogacharya Bal Mukund Singh, teacher at the MD Yoga Institute in Delhi, and Reinhard Gemmenthaller, who lives in Switzerland, in the city of Bern.
Dhirendra Brahmachari is the author of the books Yoga-sukshma-vyayama (1956) and Yogasana Vijnana (1970)