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Hi friends! I am Mahadev108, and you're listening to a 5-th podcast of Wild Yogi Radio. India attracts like a drug,  like qrazy and yet mysterious Planet, and there are only two types of people - who visited it once and said - "never again" and who begins to travel every year, more and more dropping out from the usual common man Matrix. Even if the first visit was to Goa, which seems not very authentic India, but rather noisy and an overprised tourist place, anyway "the magic ball began to roll".

Namaste my dear friends, Mahadev 108 with you, and you listerning the 4th podcast  Wild Yogi Radio. Now im writing tihis script in the southern Indian state Tamil Nadu, and here is time of Pungal festival, traditional harvest selebration. and in all the villages people put speakers on the streets and all day and night loudly playing bhajans - for Ganesha, Shiva, Ayappa and godess Mariamann - local village female godess similar to Kali...

Listern to 3rd English podcast of Wild Yogi Radio. Songs of life, songs of the Eternal. About an Eternal, about Higher - and what else to sing? Parameswara - one of the names of Shiva, which means Lord (Iswara) who is above all. Listern to bhajans about Shiva, Krishna and Mata Kali. Free download.

Bhajans flying over the Earth! Free mp3 download.

Hi friends, i`m Mahdev108 and we start our first audio podcast Wild Yogi Radio. The idea of these podcasts is to introduce to our friends some interesting recordings - bhajans, mantras, and simply extraordinary and funny music. 

Probably most interesting Russian documental movie about yoga in 2013. Full version online.

Profound interviews with yoga teachers of different schools and styles of yoga, who practice 30 years or more, about tradition and modernity in yoga.

This deep relaxation yogic practice was developed by Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda Saraswati (1923 – 2009), the founder the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, India, and the author of a plenty of yoga fundamental books and systemic yoga manuals. 

In the distant already 2001, preparing to my first trip to India, I came across one Russian website aimed to help backpackers. It was Achababa’s site and on its front page there was a quotation of one Russian hippie: "And then the mother-India took me whole".

This short phrase says a lot.