Muttuswami Dikshitar (1775-1835) was a Tamil poet and composer in the Carnatic style (South Indian traditional music style), born near Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu, studied with his father the Vedas, music and Jotish (Vedic astrolgy). Later he was a student of Yoga Chidambaranath, spent part of his life with him in Varanasi, studying yoga, Shastras and, at the same time, the Northern music style of Drupad (elements of which can be found in his compositions). He wrote about 500 compositions in Carantic style, dedicated to the Deities and holy places of Southern India. After Yogi Chidambaranath left the body, Dikshitar returned to the South, lived near Tirupati, his samadhi burial is located in the town of Ettayapuram in Tamil Nadu.
Here are the representations of krithi (lit. creation, composition - the genre of a long raga song in Carnatic music) dedicated to Nava-grahas, 9 planets described in Vedic astrology
And here is the krithi dedicated to the famous Pancha-lingams, Shiva temples of the "5 Elements" in Tamil Nadu
performed by the famous Bombay Sisters.
Mucis of Tamil Yogi and Composer Muttuswami Dikshitar