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What is a bulb?

The flag moves a wind
Mikhail Baranov

To change a bulb, the Iyengar yoga school practitioner uses two belts, one bolster, a flat brick, two hard bricks, four blankets and a stool.

In order to change the same bulb the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga practitioner does three to five rounds of Surya Namaskar A and Surya Namaskar B, and jumping forward, haven`t not calculated the range of motion correctly, kicks the stool from under the Iyengar yogi and through full vinyasa goes into a handstand, trying to loosen the plafond with calloused toes.

To change a bulb, the Sivananda Yoga practitioner performs a cleansing and nourishing basti, three times sings Om, takes the corpse pose and meditates on non-duality, asking oneself - Who am I? ... Who I am .... Who .... I ... .. who's there?

To change a bulb, the Bihar school yogi gets out one`s favourite microphone with accessories, connects Hi-Fi acoustic quadro system, plugs in an electro shruti-box, and, have burned a sandalwood incense, recites the Yoga Nidra text in a slow and monotonous voice, looking into a deep well of subconscious of indwelling in shavasana Shivananda yogi.  

Peering into the well, Bihar yogi calls, sensing in response vibrations of the subconscious: Is there anybody here? … anybody is here... There is no one?... there is no one… One more basti?... There is no one here…

In order to change a bulb, the Vipassana yogi develops an upeksha and is merely sitting and waiting for the bulb to burn out. 

To change a bulb, the Zen meditator thinks of a koan, solves it and crept up to the Vipassana yogi, with a yell knocks the dust out of the meditation cushion behind the yogi`s back.

"Lenin's bulb" Photo by Arcady Shaikhet, 1922