Basic Facts: 1) Yoga Alliance does not certify yoga teachers nor does it provide accreditation of trainers or training schools. 2) Yoga Alliance does not assess or certify teaching competency. It provides a registry, which is a list. 3) Neither teachers nor trainers are required to be registered with Yoga Alliance or any other organization. Teaching and studio insurance may be obtained without...

Guruji: I was born in Bharadvaj Gotra, our family God is Shiva. Even though I have never done any formal worshipping of him in my youth. The worshipping started in my life when we had found this natural Shivalingam here near Govardhan hill.

Anastasia: Berlin Yoga Conference will happen for the first time in May 24-26 2019. We did have 3 Pop Up Events, which are one-day “mini Berlin Yoga Conferences” that provide a little taste for the project, help us build on the community, and give us an opportunity to learn about how to improve our events int he future.
Our life is often like a movie, as we can look at one frame, or moment, and then find a whole episode waiting to be rediscovered. Some moments from the past may be very heartbreaking or tragic. On the other hand, we recall incidents that reflect happy times with friends, family, or lovers. We remember amazing adventures, or times we found a deep sense of contentment and inner peace.

For the first trial research project we chose a complex technique which out of convenience we decided to call with a shorter name of “prana-dharana”. “Prana-dharana” is especially interesting as it combines the most powerful parts of yoga practice “kriya yoga in Lahiri Mahasaya lineage” which includes techniques described in the 15th century scripture “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” by Swami Swatmarama (chapters 3 and 4)

“I’m registered in the USA Yoga Alliance". What really stands behind that sentence – a real authority or fake “stars on yoga shoulder straps”? Let’s try to answer this question.

In the minds of most people there is a certain vision of saints as some ideal people who don’t possess any of the weaknesses that other people have. But when you get a chance to live with actual saints you start to realize that in some way they are still a bit like regular people.
Shortly before the Breath of the Gods premiere, a documentary about Krishnamacharya, we have interviewed Alexander Smirkin, who teaches Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Prana Ashtanga Yoga School (Moscow). He has been one of the Russian translation team of this film. Having studied the history of this method for a long time, he has concluded that many events described in Krishnamacharya’s official biographies could be questioned.