Girls have developed a very advanced goddess syndrome here. Instagram is oh so full of beautiful, highly spiritual female social networkers. So they tend to pose in front of the ocean and romantically look into the sunset. They have green smoothies in their hands, and there is a caption about love of the world or for followers, or of esoteric something…

What do you usually do after breakfast? For example a few months ago I have been singing Hanuman Chalisa and Bhagavad Gita shlokas for the 30 days, so as other 94 students from YIC Yoga Teachers Course. India, 30 km from Bangalore, Yoga University named after Swami Vivekananda, Prashanti Kutiram campus, September 2016.

When I look back, it seems like just the other day, some 45 years ago, when most Americans viewed Yoga as a weird cult that was practiced only by the few lost souls, on the fringe, who were wasting their time just reaching for an abstract view of life. Back then, the aspiring yoga teacher was not revered as someone you would seek counsel for advice, much less travel to the ends of the world to study with.

Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten, who are based on the island of Lesvos in Greece, have been teaching together since they met more than 25 years ago. Their teaching style is playful, emotionally freeing and deeply personal.
Rod Strykeris a founder of ParaYoga, is widely considered to be one of the preeminent yoga and meditation teachers in the United States. In this interview Rod is telling about his understanding of yoga, about trends in development of modern yoga and their roots, he is also answering many more interesting questions.

Ayurveda specifically points up the necessity of regular milk consumption, moreover it states: every healthy person should drink milk. A person who is unable to digest milk might be considered unhealthy and requiring treatment that finally would allow him to start drinking milk. A postulate about usefulness of milk is not a subject to any doubt in Ayurveda. Why does milk has such an importance?
With unpretentious "infographic" and a selection of photos show us the steps of performing backbends that will help you to involve the most rigid part of the back for most people - between T10 and L4. As well as to use in bending forward the area of the vertebrae L5-S1, where most people have tendency for compression.

Karana Krama as part of the practice of hatha yoga has nothing to do with the aesthetics of Indian dance and the practice of martial arts, but the basic movements are borrowed from preparatory techniques of Indian dancers, Kalaripayattu and contemporary Australian teachers of hatha yoga Sandor Remete (Shadow Yoga) and Simon Borg-Olivier (Yoga Synergy)