Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar, one of the world's foremost authorities on the therapeutic uses of yoga. Leslie is the founder of The Breathing Project, a New York City educational nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching of individualized breath-centered yoga.

Tao Porchon-Lynch, Master Yoga teacher, 95 years young, has over 70 years of yoga practice and more than 45 years of teaching yoga to students in India, France and the U.S.
Dr. Robert E. Svoboda is an American author and ayurvedic doctor who gives lectures and courses around the world, related to the subjects of ayurveda, jyotish, tantra and Eastern religion. He is author of eleven books, including Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution (1989), and the Aghora trilogy (1986, 1993, 1997) about his mentor, Vimalananda, and the Aghori sect.
Utthita trikonasana is often taught as simple posture but it can be confusing to beginners and even teachers. If done incorrectly it can be at best ineffective and at worse dangerous for your knees and lower back. In this article we present instructions that make your body ‘Firm but calm’ (sthira sukham asanam) and while creating strength without tension and flexibility without painful stretching.
Traction techniques play an important role in yoga therapy of spine disorders, especially of intervertebral herniation. The term of “traction” means the process of stretching or impacting the spine (or a separate segment of musculoskeletal apparatus) by means of two forces acting in opposite directions.